Le magazine du Muay Thai et de la Boxe Thai, vous trouverez tout sur le Muay Thai.


Temps de lecture : 8 minutes

Interview of JEAN CARILLO by NICHOLAS READ (2009)

NICHOLAS READ: Hello JEANS CARRILLO can you appear in our reader?

JEAN CARILLO: Hello, my name is Jean Carrillo, I am 42 years old and I am in feet-fists since 1988 or I was a representative IFO WKA for region Franche Conté ?

Where you born and where you grew?                                                                                      

I was born in Toulouse and I grew in the district of Faourette (district Toulousian Council Housing), and I am proud to say that we were the first local residents.

Since how long teach you the KICK-BOXING and the MUAY THAI?          

I teach since 1988, with my very first Gym to Belfort where I formed Laurent Vauclair who in the time was a France champion. But especially Noy Phisanoukane who was all simply one of the nephews of the famous Thai boxer Somsomg!

What diplomas you have?                                                                         

I am a graduate WMTC in 2001, WKA Full Contact ( World Karaté Association) in 1993, 4th Black Belt Degrees of Kick Boxing in 1995, Instructor of Muay Thaï (Jacques Mairesse) in 1994, IFO WKA trainer in 1988, Professor of Kick Boxing CNKB’s diploma in 1997, Certificate of Capacity in the Teaching profession of Muay Thai ( FFMT) in 1991, Instructor Israel Kapap elite Combat – Krav Maga ( Israel) in 2006, 3rd Black Belt Kick Boxing ISKA’s Dégrée ISKA, Trainer of Kick Boxing ISKA in 1994, Trainer FFKB DA’s federal Patent in 2007, Judges Arbitrator FFKB DA in 2007, Professor of Kick Boxing’s federal Patent in 2007, FFSC patent of Federal Instructor 2 ° K1 Rules, Kick Boxing, Muay Thaï, Graduate of state …

How was made your meeting with the KICK-BOXING and the THAI MUAY?                            

By growing in the district of Faourette, you have no choice, it is the football or the Martial arts and the combat sports, and for me that was the combat sports from the age of 13 years

What is what gave you envy to make trainer’s profession?                                                       

I always liked teaching, and seeing young people evolving, leaving nothing and making a success of something who has no price. When you cross somebody who says to you, “thank you Jean it is thanks to you that I have a life like that, I gained titles etc….” That has no price, you cannot buy him. When you read your name somewhere and when we thank you while you ask nothing that is always warm in the heart …

That brought you the practice of this Martial Art?                                                                       

My life changed, I had the luck to make the tour of the world, the coacher of the boxers around the world, enter a gym of feet-fists, it doesn’t much matter where you are, but as soon as you begin to work on paos or on bag of striking, you do not need to speak about the language of the country to make you friends. There is no border in these sports …

Why to have wanted to live in the United States?                                                                           

I left to the USA in 1996, I met my wife Dianna during my last stay in California and that was the blow of lightning. If I had not met my wife, I would never have left to the USA. God’s thank you, my choice was the check. I had a Gym in Toulouse the CBC (Carrillo Boxing Center) with more than 250 pupils. I am the one who brought Kick Boxing and the Thai Boxing in Toulouse in the 90’s. I formed many champions and some who are maintaining champions started at home

How long did you live in the UNITED STATES?                                                                        

I lived 12 years in the USA in the South of Los Angeles (California)

Did you follow the French sports news of kick boxing?                         

I did not too much follow the news boxing in France, but I had the occasion to make fight Philippe Baudron one of my boxers of Toulouse which was several times a champion of France and Europe in Kick-Boxing, Vice champion of Europe and France in Full-Contact, and Vice champion of Europe of Muay Thai. I made him fight in Tokyo, magnificent fight and incredible fighter. And also Nicholas Read one of my former boxer, Europe Champion Muay Thai, Vice intercontinental champion the American North, Vice champion of France in Full-Contact and Vice world champion for a world title in Muay Thaï IKKC WCK in Los Angeles against Melchor Menor (World champion WKA). This fight was magic because Nicholas «to have balls» to fight him while he had broken himself a part of the foot in the training some days before the fight. He went to the morale there and made his 5 rounds, he lost in points but he had closed Melchor Menor’s eye. I have coach also Tarik Benfkik (Team Zeitoun) in 2006 in Las Vegas.

You made what as work over there?                                                                                          

I took charge of the group of Rock Def Leppard when they are in tours, I trained and coached Fighters in Muay Thaï and MMA in the USA. I took charge of the training of Polices in California, the Police, Sheriff and SWAT

Which advices you would have liked receiving when you began the education sports?                                                                                                                       

I would have liked that we tell me to pay a little more attention on the feelings. When you train and coaches, to know how to control them. If you do not control your feelings, it is your feelings which control you . And also, stop listening to the gossip

What are your most beautiful memories as trainer?                                                                   

My most beautiful memories are definitively the debuts of my Gym in Toulouse. (I sometimes look at the videos which one made in my former Gym of Toulouse, the movements, the evenings between boxers and the journeys). And then when my fighter Razor Rob became World champion MMA in Las Vegas and was elected ” more beautiful K.O. ” in 2006 against Olaf. So to have coach twice Manu N’ Tho in Los Angeles in Great it was a very good experience. Manu is a boxer in the big heart!

How you prepare your fighters?

I prepare my fighters by emphasizing the cardio (jumping-row, running, paos) with series that I specially created and which put the best same boxers in difficulties. Nothing is more unfortunate than to see a fighter without cardio. I put a lot of work on the mental, if mental cowardly you can have the best techniques of the world, it is finished. My boxers and even more in the USA are led to make combinations, working on opposite, for example to start below, then to go at the top to return below. I not recommended to knock in the same place 2 times in succession, but to knock powerfully in a place, to hurt to draw the attention and knock in contrast. The fight gains in the training and not on the boxing ring …

What do you think of the method consisting in studying several styles different from martial arts?

To my opinion, it is necessary to use the other styles as spices, but if you put it too much in the end you do not recognize any more the dish. Let us take for example my style. All my boxers know him, Jean Carrillo it is the Striking, the Strike. When I trained Rob, his style it is Strike, we add it some fight to the ground naturally, but above all, when we see him, we recognize him, it is Striker. To summarize I shall say that the Boxing is indispensable in a kick boxing and must be practised every day. I so learnt in the USA on the Boxing that I noticed that with only 4 techniques left, right-hand side, hook and uppercut you can make incredible things, ask Thai for what they think of the Boxing, they understood and apply …

Can you tell us some good memories of coaching?                                                                   

Good memories, by or to begin because there is so. I worked with Duke Roufus (world champion of Kick Boxing) and one day he calls me and says to me “Jean I received a call of Sami Kebbchi (French promoter), he makes one France-Thailand in Las Vegas and would want that Kongnapa (who is all the same 4 times champions of the Radja) fights Pascal Lafleur. Do you want to come, we prepare Kongnapa and we go to Las Vegas? “. We went to Las Vegas and I remind myself that it made strange be there, coach Kongnapa (Thailand), against Pascal Lafleur (France) me who am French. Kongnapa won by K.O at the first round, in Boxing.

What are your best memories with the big champions?                                                             

Rob gained 4 world belts in MMA with me, I had the luck to work with Tito Ortiz, Rampages Jackson, Tikki Goeshn, Sean Mc Cully, Duke Roufus, Kongnapa, Manu N’ Tho, Tarik Benfkik and especially I think that one of my most beautiful meetings was to meet and to train me 5 days with Ramon Dekkers and Cor Hemmers in 1993 in the Alpes!

Can you speak to us about fighters that you formed or trained? And of their fighter’s records?          

I had the luck to train, to coach, to training and to meet champions as: Laurent Vauclair Champion of France, Philippe Baudron who was several time a champion of France and Europe in Kick-Boxing, Vice champion Europe and of France of Full-Contact, Vice champion Europe of Muay Thai, Nicholas Read Europe Champion Muay Thai, Vice Intercontinental champion the American North, Vice champion of France of Full-Contact, Fabrice Bastié Champion of France, Terrence Bastié Champion of France, same Gafary Bousari (France champion Muay Thai, Europe Champion Muay Thai) was at home for his debuts. And I respect them all for what they became. Razor Rob 5 times world champion of Muay Thai, 4 times world champion in MMA, Manu N’ Tho world champion Muay Thaï and of Drakka, Sean Mc Cully champion UFC, Tito Ortiz Champion UFC, Rampage Jackson Champion UFC, Tiki Goeshn Champion MMA, Rani Yaha world champion of Brazilian Jujitsu and Champion MMA …

Can you tell me how you met RAZOR ROB who is a very good friend to you?

I met Rob in 1998, he was presented to me by one of his friends who said to me “Jean there is this young Irish which is very aggressive and has a good potential, to my opinion, but the Muay Thaï is not its cup of tea”. I have him say “bring him and we go to see”. Effectively I was surprised by his attitude, its determination and its dedication. He trains every day, I pushed him at the end of the limits and I can say to you that it is a warrior. He has never lost a single fight with me in the USA, he has took 4 World belts in MMA and 5 in Thai boxing!                                                                                                    

Then I left for Florida for practically one year and we had lost sight. I returned in California 1 the years later and I was without knowing it in the same city as him. A magazine American kick boxing made an article on me. When the magazine went out, I received Rob’s call which said to me that he read the interview and that he had learnt that we were in the same district…                                                                     

Rob began his career in MMA. He said to me “Jean you want to train me, now we go towards the MMA “, I said to him all right, the continuation is not to be any more written. Rob became the reference to the USA in Strike in Cages and he is considered by the majority of the fighters as the best one of Strikers to the world!

What think you of French boxing show in relation to those the United States?  

I think that French boxing show have to envy nothing to those the USA, I think that in the USA the boxers can arrive very fast very high, because we do not judge too much by class A, B, C. We propose contracts to a boxer with regard to his performance, they want of the show. If you are a good boxer and what you gain all your fights but if it is not spectacular, your chances to be recognized are small. I also think that the boxers are much better paid, more recognized, we recognize their boxers’ profession …

What glance doors you on the evolution of the sport kick boxing in France?                            

I do not concern too much judgment on the evolution in France, I have just arrived …

That would advise you to a young person who wishes to make trainer’s career?                     

I shall say to him it is one of the most beautiful professions by the world. I would tell him to keep patience, to meet as much as possible of trainers, to find your style and to perfect in this style. For example, for me the style of Ramon Dekkers is the one which most influenced me in my personality and my way of training, but I tried to practise and to study several styles. To finish it, I would say to this future trainer that he does not count the hours of trainings, in daytime and years to form a champion …

Do you arrive to live on your sport? (If not) Which job you have today?                                    

I lived very well of my sport and my passion and I do not have to complain, I have the luck to make the world tour 6 months a year on tour with the group of Rock DEF LEPPARD without counting the seminars and the fighters that I coach.

Why you come back living in France “the lack of the country “?                                                

I come back because I came to see a former friend and a pupil on holidays, who lives in region of Bretagne. He makes of Self Defence, he said to me ” come in my Gym to see my pupils and if you want to give a lesson… “Thing which I made with pleasure. But I do not know if it is because I worked every day more than 10 years in the USA with champions but I noticed that all his pupils were slow, but especially very motivated in the end of the lesson to train with me. My friend said to me ” Jean come to live here, we can make a big Gym here, you see that there is a big potential and of the demand. You teach the kick boxing and the Strike and me the Self Defence ». By seeing the strong potential in Bretagne, after 12 years crossed in the United States and my taste for challenges, I said myself why not. And then my wife likes France!

Nicholas Read – Redouane Bougara – Dany Steel – Jean Carrillo (1997)

Can you speak to us a few about the STRIKE COMBAT? Where you can train in France?     

Strike Combat is a “style” which I created at the request of Swat Teams. The traditional techniques did not satisfy them. I thought about their needs, I revisited all the martial arts which I taught and I took in every discipline the adapted gesture. It is about self-defence or the followers learn the behaviour and the gestures adapted in case of aggression. The effects registered with Strikers are immediate, certain saw each other transformed personally into 3 months of trainings; physical alterations (I work the cardio with the followers) but also behavioural alterations with effects on the management of the situations of crises. I teach in region of Bretagne but my ambition is to make Strike Combat known on all the France. For more information go on the site

You want to add anything?                                                                                                         

Yes, I hope that the MMA is going to burst and to be a little more recognized in France because even if it countered “violent” and «without rules ” it is a sport of madness or gained nothing beforehand, I like!                                                          

I intend to re-form Fighters in Kick Boxing, in Thai Boxing and in MMA. Thanks to André Zeitoun who was the first one to call me in France and offered its help and to Francis Hamdaoui who came some weeks ago to see me at home and for his friendship which did not change in spite of my absence. Thanks to SIAMFIGHTMAG, it enormously pleases me to make my very first interview in France, I am anxious to say to all my pupils of Toulouse that I have never forgotten them and that they always have a place in my heart. It is all the same there that all began and that the majority of the trainers in Toulouse have to remind him that it is there that they started. My heart also keeps a special place to my pupils of Bretagne with whom I build on the earth of Brittany, beaten by winds, which carries the past and present Celtic fighters.                                                                                                 

Good continuation in SIAMFIGHTMAG and as we say in the USA “GOD BLESS YOU ALL “

Please have answered this interview and Good Luck for the continuation