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PIPA trainer as a chief of Jocky Gym

Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

Interview of PIPA (trainer as a chief of Jocky Gym) by Serge TREFEU (2008)

Serge TREFEU : Hello, how are you?

PIPA: Yes, well, very well

How old are you?

45 years

You come from which area of Thailand?

From a village close Udon Thani in the area of Isaan (Pipa lived in the village of the same family as the wife of Jean-Charles Skarbowsky. The family of Pipa and her family are very close)

Are you married, are you a children?

I am not married but I promised in marriage one …

Do you have brothers and sisters?

Yes, I have many brothers and sisters, we are seven children in all in my family…

Did your brothers make boxing?

Yes, my big brother was a good fighter. I had three brothers in very who made Muay Thai

Were you brawler when you were child?

Not whole. I fought only Muay Thai of it, not brawl apart from boxing …

You began the Muay Thai at which age?

Towards age sixteen years

Did your first fight you make at which age?

At sixteen years

You began the boxing in which camp?

It was not in a camp, it was at home. One training outside of the house with my brothers…

You came to which age to Bangkok for boxing and in which gym?

I came to 19 years to Bangkok. I was directly in Jocky Gym

You remained in Jocky until now?

Yes, since always. Here will make more than 25 years that I am here…

Did you gain a belt the stadiums of Bangkok?

I fought much in Bangkok but I did not gain of belt in stadium of the capital. I fought everywhere in the area of Isaan, in Kon Kaen, Udon Thani and I took the belt of champion of Isaan in the town of Kon Kaen.

Was in which year?

It was in 1981, I were 18 years old …

How much do you have make fights?

I have make 153 fights.

How much wins?

I have 110 wins, 40 losses and 3 draws

gained fights by K.O.?

Yes much but I remember how much exactly…

You had which style of boxing?

I was fimeu (technician)

Do you remember one of your hardest fight?

Against Mongkongdhet, I have made a fight very, very hard …

You already went to fight with foreign?

Yes, in Japan, in Australia and Holland

Do you know French fighters?

Yes, I know much of it. My good friends are Stong Skarbowsky, Dany Bill and Stephan Nikiema

Did today you finish your career of boxer for a long time and you became trainer, here in Jocky, since how long?

I had trained the boxers here since sixteen years now. I became trainer towards age 29 years, I saw much champion ravelled in this gym …

According to you since you training in Jocky Gym which was the fighter than you formed?

I think really that it’s Silapathai Jocky Gym, one, very big complete fighter…

Did I learn that you were going soon to leave for France, is this exact?

Yes, that is exact. I await my visa and as soon as I have, I leave to Paris in home my friend Skarbowsky

Do you will train in the gym of Jean-Charles Skarbowsky?

Yes, I would low make trainer it in his gym

You like France?

Yes much, Paris is beautiful…

Do you know Paris, you already went to France?

Not, it is the first time that I go to France, I saw only Paris on TV…

Thank you to have answered our questions and chookdee for your trip?

Thank you

Pipa, that is one of the best trainers of Thailand. Trainer as a chief of the famous gym of Bangkok, Jocky Gym, it formed the champions exceptional. With started with phenomenal Seanchai Sor Kingstar (Lumpinee Champion, better fighter any categories confused since these ten last years), Leucila Choumpeatour (Radja champion since five years!), Kaoklai Kaennorasing (Radja champion and only fighter of 74 kg has to have fought in heavy K1 GP of Japan!), Chaowarit Jockygym (Lumpinee Champion and Thailand champion), Sonkom (Radja champion), Rolex keannorasing (Radja champion), and finally three former legendary champions, Somrak Kumsing (Gold Medal Boxing to Atlanta City 1996), Robert Keannorasing (Lumpinee champion at 17 years!) and Silapathai Jocky Gym (3 times Radja champion!). Pipa for 45 old has an exceptional physical condition, moreover it is equipped a worthy flexibility like a Master Yogi!